Want To Watch Some Poor Russian's Car Get Absolutely Destroyed By Hail While He Records From The Inside?

*Things really start getting dialed up around the 1:15 mark*

Of course you clicked on that headline. You know why? Because there is no better way to get into the 4th of July spirit then watching a Russian get dominated. That video was just another reminder that life’s difficulty is set to All-Madden when you live in Russia and that Mother Nature ain’t nothing to fuck with, especially in Putinland. Here is an artist’s rendering of what Mother Nature just did to Boris’ ride.

I’ve picked up a little bit of Russian during this World Cup and here is my rough translation of that sorry son of a bitch’s play-by-play:
Oh fuck. What the fuck? Fucking shit! Shit shit shittttttt! I should have gotten the God Hates You And Will Destroy Your Car With Hail insurance. FUCK! Where’s the vodka?

But again, that’s just life in Russia. Sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bear riding a motorcycle while playing a trumpet eats you.

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